Willie was a founding member of Melville Independent plc.
He started in financial services in 1974 from leaving school, and initially joined the Bank of Scotland working through various roles within branch banking before focussing his career on financial services in 1985. Following the closure of the Independent advice channel at the Bank of Scotland in 2002 Willie joined one the largest UK IFA firms where he undertook the role of sales manager between
2005 and 2007 whilst also advising his private clients. The decision to continue as sales manager was rejected when he was faced with the choice of either management or advising his clients.
Willie is a member of the London Institute of Banking and Finance and the Chartered Institute of Bankers. He has extensive experience in dealing with all regulatory investments including with profits, unit trusts, OEICs and other pooled investments.
Willie enjoys watching many sports and is an avid follower of speedway and his beloved Edinburgh Monarchs. He also enjoys listening to music and the occasional live concert and is a serious collector of vinyl. He has a wife and two grown up sons who are both married. One of his boys has lived in Sydney Australia for over fourteen years and his other lives local to him. He has one grandchild who will be two in August and Willie cannot spend enough time with him